Whether you are a language teacher seeking to perfect your craft, a student-teacher hoping to enhance your training with new techniques, or whether you are someone right at the beginning of your journey who is considering teaching as a future profession, INTI has space for you.
CREA Teacher training
The CREA project is dedicated to ELE teachers (Spanish as a Foreign Language). CREA is all about training teachers to adapt their methodology to ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), to take advantage of online resources and to embrace creative group dynamics in their classrooms.
Students thus become more engaged… and more proactive. And CREA is even more. It has become a community of creative Spanish teachers who seek to compare ideas, impressions, apprehensions, desperation (!), fun, experiences and knowledge: sharing together, growing together.
Luis's blog
News, activities, recommendations, celebrations, tools, tips, contests, trends, methodologies, collaborations and culture... Everything has a place in Luis's Blog. Discover it for yourself… and become a part of it!